Q50: Follow the documentation written for the Control4 driver completely, but Control4 system won't make the initial connection to the R20 once set up.
Q51: How can I install app with xapk file format on indoor monitor?
Q52: How many RFID cards do the R20A support?
Q53: How many external security cameras can we add to C313?
Q54: When I add an indoor monitor and a doorphone on Cloud system, can the RTSP URL of the doorphone be automatically added to the indoor monitor?
Q55: Which version of ONVIF do R20 and R29 support?
Q56:Do R50P, R55G, R47P, R48G and R67G support LDAP for Handset?
Q57: Do doorphone support these card types? Prox, Legacy iClass,iClassSE,HID Mifare, HID DESFire,HID SEOS
Q58: Failed to connect the open VPN with Yeastar's PBX in R50P
Q60: Can I know the meaning of the parameters on R48G? The 4 profiles Base, Main, Extended & one more of H.264.