Q26: For the ContactView (phonebook), is there any way to have the list show up right away without the need to press the Expend arrow?
Q27: Do you have roof cover / installation kit with roof for E10 to avoid from the rain?
Q28: What integration in being done with C313 and Control4 ?
Q29: The wiegand output of the doorphone is 26 bits? Since the controller works in this format.
Q30: Is it possible through programing to make speakers make a Doorbell with the Announcement Agent in Control4?
Q31: When the DialView is set ti Invisible - which is the way I use it - there is no way to get to the settings on the device itself?! There should be a way to put in the ProjectKey (and then the User Setting Key) on the other Views as well
Q32: When i press the green call button of R28, the button works like cancel button. When i press the red cancel button, the button works like dial button. These buttons work reverse. How can we fix this?
Q33: Do R27A doorphones support door opening with NFC?
Q34: R26 gives 'Temporarily Unavailable' error when I try to call from SmartPlus app. How can we fix this error?
Q36: Property manager has a motion detection section. How can we use this feature?